Our FREE Web Class Reveals 

How To Chase Your Passions & Set Up Your Office Anywhere In The World!
Even If You Have No Idea Where To Start, No Following, And No Tech Experience!

Meet Your Hosts!

Roger Hollingshead

Roger started his online business 2 years ago. He loves traveling and collecting house plants... Since starting online he has been able to leave his Nursing Career and travel full-time. He is currently back in the U.S. after 10 months abroad. His goal is to help motivated clients make 2022 their best year yet! 


Marissa started her online business nearly 3 years ago and it has grown to multiple 6-figures with this one opportunity! She retired her boyfriend and they enjoy traveling full-time through the U.S.A.  in the van they converted! She is a perfect example of someone wanting a change and finding it with digital marketing.

What You Are Getting Inside!

We'll Show You One Of The Most Effective Ways To Build An Automated Income Asset While Traveling The World…
A Formula That Doesn’t Require A Social Media Background Which You Can Implement Immediately… 
How To Replace Your Full-Time Income While  Working Remotely From Just Your Laptop… True Location Freedom!
You feel stuck and unfulfilled...
You're scared it's too late to make a change...
They told you responsibility means becoming an 'adult'...
"You have to build a career. You have to pay the bills."
They told you sacrificing now for the 'long-term' is the right thing to do...
"You can't have it all. Traveling? Out of the question. Only 2 weeks vacation a year."
They told you there isn't another way...
Well, your boss is gonna HATE me for telling you this...
but, all those people telling you those things...
They are wrong.
It is possible to have it all...
It is possible to enjoy your mornings...
(to wake up without an alarm clock OR a morning commute)
It is possible to find purpose...
It is possible to travel the world...
Are You Ready?
Are you like us?
- Trapped daydreaming about the trip to Machu Picchu...
(Losing your breath as you hike to the top of the adjacent mountain for "THAT PERFECT PICTURE")
- Constantly yearning to travel Europe the "classy" way...
(No more hostels, just the places you've always wanted to stay so you do it "THE RIGHT WAY")
- Anxiously excited for your next adventure...
(Your itinerary. Your time. Your choice.)
But can't do any of this because
you're restricted by a "responsible job"?
We were trapped too.
But we broke free.

Listen To What Others Are Saying...

Kristen Braun

Hey ya’ll! Kristen here 👋🏼
I’m a 24 year old who had a mid-life crisis at age 23. I was the epitome of a cookie cutter lifestyle… graduated college a semester early, had my big-girl job lined up, started working full-time TWO DAYS after graduating (seriously??), was engaged to be married, got a mortgage and a dog – peachy, right?
My life on paper was legit the American Dream, but it wasn’t MY American Dream. I started this business because nothing that a corporate job could offer me would fill the void I had.
I NEEDED location independence and time freedom (and to NEVER leave my pup again). I yearned to take trips on a whim, to hike on a random Tuesday, to explore the whole US in our RV with my husband and pup. And I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that until I retired in 40+ years… that wasn’t going to work for me.
Since starting my journey of Working Online I’ve changed so much in the best way possible. I’ve been able to quit my j.o.b., make more in a week than in a month at my j.o.b., moved to Mexico for a month, retiring my husband from his j.o.b., and beginning to plan our RV trip across the states… all while my pup stays by my side the entire time 🙂
I cannot imagine how differently my life would be right now if I didn’t take the leap of faith into this business opportunity! Thank you, thank you, thank you to my gut instinct!

Tyler Durham

Before finding this platform I was terrified of spending the next 40 plus years suck in the 9-5 not able to do the things I truly wanted to do like TRAVELL and live a life of financial and time freedom. Just 5 short months after finding this platform and completing the training I found myself saying GOODBYE to the 9-5 forever. I’ve been able to travel to places I’ve only dreamed of WHILE my business is running and bringing in 5 figure months. Taking this scary step to start something new was the best thing I’ve ever done. And I wouldn’t have been possible without this platform and this community of like minded go getters.

Claudia Valenzuela

Hey there! I’m Claudia and I am a HUGE travel lover!! I always had the strong desire to be able to travel the world without worrying about being tied down to a job, but I never really knew how to go about making that a reality for myself until last year in 2019. Last year I was in grad school while also working in a job that did not fulfill me. What fulfilled me was traveling and I wasn’t doing that because of how busy I was. I lived the life of always being on the go, always rushed, always working, and not prioritizing things in my life that really mattered. I knew I wanted to work online to be able to quit my office job and be able to take my work with me to any corner of the world. After years and years of searching I finally came across digital marketing which has completely changed my life. I knew nothing about it but I knew that if it was allowing other travel lovers to break free from their 9-5’s to travel the world that logically it should work for me too. So I decided to dive in and put in the necessary work into creating the lifestyle that I’ve always envisioned for myself. Weeks after starting my online business I dropped out of grad school and fast forward to June 2020 I quit my job!! I walked away from all my degrees and titles to pursue what sets my soul on fire, my travel dreams. 3 months after quitting my job I became a 6 figure online business owner and now looking forward to pursuing one of my biggest travel dreams, to travel to 30 countries by the time I’m 30! Something that my close friends and family once told me was kinda impossible, but now thanks to my online business, it is closer than ever before and I could not be more grateful!

Kimberly Ramsey

Before I started working online, I worked in corporate for 8+ years. I did all the things you're supposed to go... go to college, get a good GPA, get a good job, and start climbing the corporate ladder. And while I didn't mind what I did, I always knew deep down that it wasn't something I wanted to do forever. What I really wanted to do was to travel the world, experience other cultures, learn new languages, and grow as a person thru it all. But we all know that costs money. Which is why I kept doing what I was doing. I was financially secure, I made 6 figures! But overtime, it started to wear on me. I could see upper management and the lives they were living and it was NOT the life I wanted. They were stressed, their health and personal relationships were being affected, and they weren't traveling like I wanted. So that's when I decided to make a change. I didn't want any regrets. And I am happy to say, I have none! Since I've started working for myself, I've grown so much as a person, it's insane. I'm able to focus on my own well-being, work hard towards my own goals, and make a great income while doing it! Plus the training, support, and mentorship has been unreal. Meeting like-minded people thru this community has been one of the best parts! My favorite part is how I feel tho. I am confident, driven, and know that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to! If you're on the fence, just do it already. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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Now that you’ve seen these testimonials, are you ready to become one yourself?

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In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually starting an social media business online. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want proceed with us? 100% yes. Some people will take this training, implement it by themselves, and see breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!
DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.